This speech is absolutely brilliant! This may be the most inspiring, truthful and significant speech on freedom you’ve ever heard.
Dr. Os Guinness: “A Free People’s Suicide”
OS GUINNESS (DPhil, Oxford University) is an author and social critic. Born in China, he was educated in England at the Universities of London and Oxford. He moved to the United States in 1984, and has been a Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center and a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He was the lead drafter of both the Williamsburg Charter and the Global Carter of Conscience, as well as the founder of the Trinity Forum. He has written more than 25 books, including The Call, The American Hour, Time for Truth, Unspeakable, The Case for Civility, A Free People’s Suicide, and his latest: The Global Public Square. He lives with his wife Jenny in McLean, Virginia.
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