10 amazing tips and tricks for your Holiday frustrations!
In this video you’ll see how to;
- Convert a bag of chips into decorative wrapping paper
- Protect your wrapping paper from unraveling in storage
- Send Christmas letters without having to buy envelopes
- Make custom festive pancakes in any shape
- Avoid the challenges of packing tape sticking to itself
- Make your house smell like fresh cut pine
- Decorate sugar cookies with no mess to clean up
- Prevent your Christmas lights from tangling in storage
- Make custom chocolate garnishes for entertaining
- Turn your Christmas morning garbage into custom cardsThe background music is “Merry Christmas instrumental” by Plastic3, and commercial rights to the track were purchased through audiojungle.net
Project inspired by: Many people have been asking me do to more LifeHack videos. A few of these ideas were completely original to me. The majority were modified and adapted from other ideas I found, and a couple were found that didn’t require any modifications. Credits as follows;
Projects & pictures that inspired this video:
#10: Snack Pack Gift Wrap: This was an original idea to me, however in researching on the internet, I realize I wasn’t the first one to think of it. (Eg. http://www.homespooled.com/1/post/201…)
#9: Paper Keeper: http://www.tiphero.com/tips_5511_quic…
#8: Better Letters: http://crafterholic.blogspot.com/2011…
#7: Posh Pancakes: http://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/38-clev…
#6: Grab Tab: http://www.supermomnocape.com/wp-cont…
#5: Air Care: http://econobusters.com/diy_frugal_wa…
#4: Nicer Cookie Icer: http://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/38-clev…
#3: Light Saver: http://www.onehundreddollarsamonth.co…
#2: Shavings for Cravings: http://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/38-clev…
#1: Upcycled Appreciation: This was an original ideaNOTE: These projects and results are depictions of my own personal experiences. Your results may vary depending on your location, experience, and modifications to project ideas. There may be risks associated with some of these projects that require adult supervision, and possibly others that I’m not aware of. Use of this video content is at your own risk.
The post 10 Life Hacks You Need To Know For Christmas! appeared first on Common Sense Evaluation.